Friday, February 19, 2010

Spring is Coming!

With all of this warm weather it is easy to get lulled into thinking that spring has sprung. Don't fall for it, it's a trap.
The spring and summer building season will be here shortly but we still have a lot of winter work to finish. The warm weather actually is not a blessing for us if it lasts too long. Trails get slushy and it makes it difficult to transport materials by snowmachine. Lakes get slushy and nasty for landing planes.
If you are considering a building project this season; now is a good time to let us know and start planning. This season is shaping up to be a very busy one but we still have several start dates available for the summer and fall. We are hearing that this season is busy for everyone which is a good sign.

The more a man knows, the more he forgives.
Catherine the Great

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